Sermons in: The Lords Prayer

In this message we learn how to pray: with principles and practices...

Why do we Pray?
In this message we learn why we pray: because we are not God but need...

What is Prayer?
In this message we learn what prayer is: a personal conversation in...

In the doxology to the Lord's Prayer, the church shepherds the prayer...

The Father's Protection
In Petition Seven of the Lord's Prayer, Jesus teaches us to seek God's...

The Father's Perseverance
In Petition Six of the Lord's Prayer, Jesus teaches us to seek the...

The Father's Grace
In Petition Five of the Lord's Prayer, Jesus teaches us to receive and...

The Father's Provision
In Petition Four of the Lord's Prayer, Jesus teaches us to seek and...

Your Will
In Petition Three of the Lord's Prayer, Jesus teaches us to pray for...

Kingdom Come
In Petition Two of the Lord's Prayer, Jesus teaches us to pray for the...

Your Name
In Petition One of the Lord's Prayer, Jesus teaches us to pray for and...

Our Father
In the invocation to the Lord's Prayer, Jesus teaches how properly to...